We want to get everyone talking about the books they’ve been reading in 2020.

  • Have you been re-reading your favorite novels ?
  • Spending the time discovering new authors?
  • Escaping with the latest bestseller?
  • Or reading ‘just one more chapter’ of a page turning thriller?

We’d love to hear about it and have a challenge for you.

Every Wednesday we’re posting a new ‘Book Express’ video review on our Facebook and Twitter pages and we want to share your book reviews!

Can you record a video review of one of the favorite books you’ve read this year? The extra challenge is can you do the review in under 2 minutes 20 seconds?

Here’s a couple of ‘Book Express’ video reviews made by library staff..

Tina reviews ‘Shuggie Bain’ by Douglas Stuart
Danny reviews ‘Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine’ by Gail Honeyman

Are you up for the challenge as well?

The book doesn’t need to be released this year, just a book you’ve enjoyed reading in 2020.

Videos filmed on your phone are perfect. Please hold the phone in landscape rather than portrait as it looks better on social media in that format.

Please note that the video reviews will be posted on Manchester Libraries Facebook and Twitter pages.

Once you’ve filmed your video review, please send it to Danny at danny.middleton@manchester.gov.uk.

If the file is too big to email, don’t worry, you can send it to Danny’s email address via We Transfer or something similar.

Thank you so much, we really look forward to seeing your brilliant video reviews!