Whilst you’re at home, why not start to delve into your family history?  Or if you’re already a keen genealogist, then you can now continue doing your research.

If you’re a Manchester Library member, you can now get access to Find My Past, and the Manchester Parish Records hosted by Ancestry from the comfort of your own home!

FindMyPast and Ancestry contain all sorts of fascinating historical records which will help you piece together your family tree.  If you’ve been speaking to relatives during lockdown and discovered a family mystery, or are determined to crack that genealogical brick wall, then a search through the records might be just what you need.

Access to FindMyPast includes all the usual data sets, such as census records, education records, the 1939 census, and many other sources.  Unlike accessing within the libraries, you won’t be able log in to your own personal FindMyPast account or upload your own family tree.  To access Find My Past, log into the library catalogue using your library card number and on the homepage click on the link to Find My Past.

Click here for access to Ancestry, for the Manchester Collection, which includes the Church of England parish registers for the Manchester Diocese.  This includes baptism, banns, marriage and burial records, from the 1500s to the 1900s.  It also includes access to non conformist registers for baptisms, marriages and burials from the 1700s to the 1900s.

If you need help tracing your family tree, there are lots of guides on our website at Family History Resources.  And if your family migrated to Manchester from overseas, you can find out more about the archives we hold at https://www.manchester.gov.uk/directory/136/migration_and_ethnic_history/category/1373

Old newspapers are also useful when researching your family history.  Look here for the range of online newspapers you have access to as a Manchester Libraries member.

You can also access our digitised image collections at Manchester Local Images Collection and Manchester Flickr Photostream

It’s also worth checking out the Manchester and Lancashire Family History Society website.  They can provide help and advice, and you don’t need to live in Manchester to become a member!  See Manchester & Lancashire Family History Society for more details.