We have recently produced a series of videos.  Whether you’re a regular customer of Manchester Libraries or not, take a look at them to find out more about Manchester Libraries, why people love to use us, and how libraries make them feel better.

Councillor Adele Douglas Deputy Executive Member for Employment, Skills and Leisure takes you in a tour of our libraries to discover why libraries give us all power.

Newton Heath Library. An example of how all our libraries are a safe place for all and full of opportunities.

Have you discovered the magical new children’s library at Central Library yet?

Customers from Longsight Library share why libraries are the centre of the community.

Create your own space at the library. Meet and relax with friends or find a quiet space to revise and enjoy the company of strangers.

Investing in Your Future. Councillor John Hacking Executive Member for Skills, Employment and Leisure, discusses the exciting refurbishment of the much loved Chorlton Library.