Some ideas for your Reading Group

If your reading group meetings are being rescheduled, or if you want to join or start a virtual reading group, here are some ideas for you.

We know that it’s really important to keep up our social connections at this time, and a virtual reading group meeting is a great way to do this.

The Reading Agency has lots of ideas for virtual meetings to continue chatting about books. Their Reading Groups website also has a virtual groups page to help you find an online group that matches your interests.

Why not set up your own virtual group?

Here’s some apps to keep in touch with fellow reading group members. They are really easy to download to your PC, phone or laptop.

Then invite everyone to sign in at the same time and get chatting about the books you have been reading.

Skype Video and phone chat, one to one or in groups. Available on phones, tablets, PCs, and Macs.

Facebook messenger Video or phone chat one to one or in groups. Be together, whenever. A simple way to text, video chat and plan things all in one place.

WhatsApp Video and phone call. Create a WhatsApp group with one other person then you can ‘Invite to Group’ for people to join.

Google Hangouts brings conversations to life with photos, emoji, and even group video calls for free. Use Hangouts to keep in touch. Message friends, start free video or voice calls.

Zoom is easy and free to use for group meetings lasting under 40 minutes. Just sign up, set up a ‘meeting’ and share the link to the rest of your group to join in.

Whypay is doing a 3-month free phone conferencing offer especially for coronavirus. Just set up an account, enter MONTHLY3 or ANNUAL3 at checkout, and you are given a free conference room number and you dial in.